A film that I love is 'Raising Arizona' and that's funny but it's quite indie...
I mean I'm married first of all to one of if not the most wonderful women...
This is funny because I just had a job over the summer for VH1 a project I...
The music industry is really funny when you have a hit record everyone...
I liked getting the best villain award. I thought that was funny.
And remember it's also very funny because side by side with grief lies joy.
There have been times when I felt suicidal and I would stop my head from...
'Lucky' is for laughs and there's really nothing funny that I'm doing on...
The prospects for a coherent hilarious and consistent American comedy seem...
I'm not a comedian. I'm an actor who just happens to be funny on occasion.
Sometimes we have to actually say I think you're really funny but none of...
It's funny the hardest thing to do is to make something look like it's fast...
I don't think my judgment is that good. I don't know what is funny.
I remember interviewing someone I actually felt bad for and therefore didn't...
During the Great Depression when people laughed their worries disappeared....
I appreciate humor so much but I'm actually not a funny girl.
I think one of the basic tasks in life - one of the nice things we can do for...
Because death and illness are the most horrible things in life of course...
If you take a bunch of superstars and put them in a room where they don't...
Jim Carrey a comic genius has a harder time overcoming the public's desire...
I love New York. I was sad depressed and incredibly moved by our fellow...
I don't think the public is dying to see me necessarily be funny all the time.
If you can find the line between sympathetic and creepy you have reached a...
I don't think know if anything's going to translate anywhere. You're making a...
I agree completely with my son James when he says 'Internet is like electricity. The latter lights up everything while the former lights up knowledge'.