I think there are worse things for a teen to be enraptured with than...
I'm an English boy. I played a lot of sports growing up but I never had any...
Even if you know that what you'll say will hurt a woman's feelings I've...
A film that I love is 'Raising Arizona' and that's funny but it's quite indie...
Vampires are so old that they don't need to impress anyone anymore. They're...
The last person they expected to connect with a screenplay was the comedic...
But I think funny and talent will always win out I mean of course there are...
It is funny because the guy who is my boss now Howard Stern has a...
I have a funny family but none of them are remotely in show business.
When we criticize in Iran the actions of the government the fundamentalists...
So it was just funny to read a script that was just similar to what had been...